Forces: soprano, alto & continuo
Source: BL Add MS 14112, Egerton MS 2466
The Lessons for the Thursday of Holy Week from the IX Lezione per la Settimana Santa … per la Real Capella di Napoli. Divided primarily into the three sections, ‘De lamentatione Jeremiæ prophetæ. Heth. Cogitavit Dominus disspare’, ‘Lamed. Matribus suis dixerunt’, and ‘Aleph. Ego vir videns paupertatem’, the first and last for soprano, the central section for alto, each section is then subdivided into many smaller quasi-aria, arioso, and recitative sections which make up the whole, each ending with the imploring Jerusalem convertere ad Dominum Deum tuum – Jerusalem, return to your God. They are extraordinary works with great variation and some truly extraordinary invention both in terms of melody and harmony. The range, both dramatic and vocal is extraordinary.
Editor: James Sanderson
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